CNU Michigan

CNU Michigan, Inc. is a Michigan nonprofit corporation, organized as such on July 9, 2008. The Founding Members of CNU Michigan include, professionals and academics well-known for their work and studies in the context of “New Urbanism”.  Membership includes persons from all parts of the State, primarily West Michigan, Detroit and Traverse City (Northwest Michigan).
CNU Michigan is organized exclusively for educational purposes.  The purpose and mission include, without limitation, the following:

  1. To organize and produce meetings, conferences, workshops and/or other forms of technical assistance dedicated to the refinement and dissemination of the principles and techniques of the New Urbanism, particularly as relating to Michigan issues;
  2. To produce and distribute written documents and audio visual materials recording the conference proceedings and other educational programs, for the purpose of educating the public and planning profession about New Urbanism;
  3. To further advance the principles of New Urbanism through networking and publicity avenues, including but not limited to: online social media and in-person networking events.

In its initial five years as an active organization, CNU Michigan has undertaken a variety of initiatives. The most notable of these include publication of a book, Form-Based Codes in 7-Steps, co-sponsorship of a conference on transportation issues, and numerous networking events throughout the state.

Our goals for 2013 through 2016 have been to bring our message to professions and groups beyond the land use planning area - to statewide municipal advocacy organizations, real estate development organizations, organizations of architectural practitioners and others.  We hope to increase the number of members, improve the vigor of the organization, and expand our educational efforts. We have improved our internet presence with a website, Facebook page, LinkedIn site and Twitter account. We have held regional meetups and plan to hold more.

In 2014 and 2015 we will be preparing to hold CNU 2016 in Detroit.  We aim for a large attendance from Michigan and nearby States, thereby getting our message out to a large group and increasing our capacity.

Learn more: CNU Michigan